Take-off Vrse
Vrse is a small take-off above the village of Volče near Tolmin. Suitable especially for quiet and short flights. The take-off is mainly used by schools for quick descents towards the landing town of Tolmin.
Vremenski pogoji: Glede na lokacijo, višino in smeri vzleta je letenje težavno, oziroma za kakšne dolge lete mora pihati S.
Description of take-off: clearing in the middle of the forest, embankment. The take-off direction is only towards East.
GPS (ss° mm.mm): N46° 11.02, E13° 41.44.
Suitable wind direction: E, SE.
AMSL altitude: 580m.
Airspace: Allowed up to 2900 m AMSL.
Take-off difficulty level: demanding.
Flying difficulty level: demanding.
Suitable for beginners: yes.
Access: by car 4km; we drive all the way to the takeoff.
Important: parking on the nearby lawn is not permitted!