Welcome, dear guest pilot!
We want to ensure that you have the best, safest, and most enjoyable experience while flying in our beautiful Soča Valley.
Visitors come to our valley from all over the world due to the stunning nature and perfect flying conditions. To ensure that everyone can enjoy the space safely, we ask that you adhere to the following rules:
– You must have a valid ticket to use the take-off area.
– Please read the instructions for using the take-off area and the municipal ordinance before flying for your safety.
– Only fly when conditions are favourable and safe.
– The maximum allowed altitude is 2900m AMSL.
– Use only the official, marked take-off and landing places.
– Organized flying outside registered take-off places is prohibited. This includes PG/HG competitions, event organization, groups of five or more pilots, commercial tandems and schooling.
Please respect the environment, animals, and plants.
Do not drive or park on the grassland.
Take all litter with you.
Violations of these regulations may result in a fine from DPL Posočje.
Please use the official frequency of 147.800 MHz.
All activities such as flying schools, competitions, gatherings, and other commercial activities must be coordinated with the paragliding club DPL Posočje. For further information, flight announcements, complaints, and any other questions, we are available at the kobala.info@gmail.com
SAFETY DIRECTIVE DV 01/12: Activities of foreign paraglider pilots in the Republic of Slovenia (Link to https://www.caa.si/upload/editor/file/fileeb81414bd2675b5.pdf)
javna agencija za civilno letalstvo republike slovenije t:+386 1 244 66 00 info@caa.si langusova ulica 4 si-1000 ljubljana slovenija f:+386 1 244 66 99 www.caa.si |
1. Paraglider and hang glider pilots who are not nationals of the Republic of
Slovenia and who are not holders of a license issued by the competent
aviation authority of the Republic of Slovenia, who fly independently in
the airspace of the Republic of Slovenia shall hold, in addition to the
national license, which proves his or her competence to fly the aircraft,
an IPPI Card with a Safe/Para Pro Stage 4 or 5 rating issued by the
International Air Sports Federation (FAI), which proves international
competence of the pilot of an aircraft.
2. Flight instructors who are not nationals of the Republic of Slovenia and
who are holders of foreign paragliding and hang gliding instructor
the certificate shall obtain a special authorization and instructions from the
Civil Aviation Agency of the Republic of Slovenia to perform the activity
within the Slovene territory.
3. Paraglider and hang glider pilots who are holders of a foreign license, and
who are not holders of an IPPI Card with a Safe/Para Pro Stage 4 or 5
rating, or who are involved in training, shall fly under the supervision of a
flight instructor, as provided in Paragraph 2 of the Safety Directive.
4. Foreign pilots participating in cross-country flying competitions,
regardless of the organizer of the competition and the country organizing
the event, within the Slovene territory, shall hold a national licence and
have to comply with the requirements of the IPPI Safe/Para Pro Stage 5,
implied by Paragraph 1 of the Safety Directive.
When calling 112, state the following:
– What is YOUR NAME
– WHAT happened
– WHERE did it happen (location, GPS coordinates, altitude)
– WHEN did it happen
– Nature of INJURY
– Type of ASSISTANCE required
– WEATHER CONDITIONS at the scene of the accident
– What is the WING’S COLOUR
After calling, keep the phone near you so you can direct the rescue team and help them to arrive at the place of the accident faster.
Rescue services have priority!
Listen to the 147.800MHz frequency; the rescue team often informs pilots about the arrival of a rescue helicopter. If flying, clear the helicopter’s activity area.
Secure the zone:
– Put the gear well out of the helicopter’s downdraft.
– Clear the public from the zone.
– Don’t take off during the whole period the helicopter is operating in the zone.
In case of emergency, when you land on a tree or a cliff and are OK, first secure yourself. Don’t climb down alone if you are not entirely sure of yourself. Call 112! Even when there are no injuries, call 112. Say if your wing has been left in the area and indicate its color. Recover your wing as soon as possible, and again inform 112. Remember: a wing left unfolded for a while away from the take-off can cause many emergency calls. Avoid having the rescue services called out for a wing in the trees when you have already left the scene by your means.
Disclaimer! Neither the author nor the publisher shall be responsible for any direct or indirect damages.